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Customer Reviews
Average Rating: 5
Thank you happy pills

Zoloft worked simple amazingly! I have been on depression and anxiety medicines for two years now and have been using pillsforall for the last year or so. Hoping it works for me forever, cause it really feel make me more like a normal person without all the anxiety ( a little anxiety is ok, but not that kind that I had ). I've noticed a huge difference after two weeks of the first pill that I took. Atter 4 weeks my mood along with my energy levels was simple great, not euphoric but normal for a happy people. My spirit returned to my body ! So now I'm a big fan of pillsforall and Zolt ! definitive the brand one is the way to go, I do not even know if they have a generic version, but the brand is great and cheap since it last me 3 months! . I am not taking any other antidepressants or otc, well sometimes I do take melatonin ( from 1 to 3mg 30 minutes prior to bed ) I can now always smile and I sincerely mean it people ! Even my oldest friends have said they noticed a huge difference and told me about this many times, they are also happy for me.Diane Kumpel (1 Jan 2016, 17:58)
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